About Kim

Hi, I’m Kim, a mother to two young boys
who feels strongly about child safety.

Feel confident that
your precious cargo is protected

Having worked as a first responder I saw first hand the result of what can happen if children are not restrained properly. I have also worked in child protection and have a passion for not only helping others, but the most vulnerable in our community, our children.

I believe we all need to be educated in how to correctly fit child car seats in our vehicles ourselves. You need to feel confident as a parent that your precious cargo is protected the best you can.

Sit Tight Child Restraints started because myself and friends found it extremely difficult to find someone providing this service. When I had my car seats fitted before my first child, the installer was very quick and failed to explain the process without my probing questions. After using Sit Tight Child Restraints, I hope that you will walk away feeling confident you know how to adjust and monitor your child restraint.

Check out our child restraint fitting options

We offer a couple of child restraint service options
and a range of child restraint accessories.

See our services